for a better indoor-climate


We put the responsible use of natural resources into practice on an ecological, economic and social level every day. As a leading manufacturer of private label interior and exterior paints in Europe, we have been focusing on health-conscious products since the 1980s. With success: 40 years ago, we switched our range from solvent-based to water-based products. The next leap was the development of emission and solvent-free premium products (ELF). Today, we only produce interior paints without preservatives and use resource-saving recycled containers for packaging. We are thus setting new standards for sustainable building paints.


Silicate paints are known for their high diffusion openness, durability and environmental friendliness. They offer protection against environmental influences and are particularly suitable for historic buildings. However, climate change and humid conditions encourage microbial growth such as algae and fungi, especially in heavily polluted areas.

The new JONAS AquaSmart-Technology offers a solution with three main features:


  • Intelligent surface water management
  • Natural long-term protection against microorganisms
  • Highly permeable and preservative-free

Quantum leap through our o.K. technology ®

The majority of JONAS-products are produced o.K. – performs preservative-free. If you emphasize sustainability for your private label, our orange o.K. button is the way to go. The future at JONAS Farben has already begun. In 2014, we started the development of preservative-free paints. Five years later in 2019, our first o.K. products were launched.

These biocide-free products have the same quality as their predecessors and have equal shelf lives. Why? Because we produce a germ-preventing environment through specialized physical procedures during our manufacturing process. Even application characteristics such as spreading rate, roller application, levelling and open time stay unchanged.

Your sales argument: Waiving all preservatives enables an environmentally friendly manufacturing process for sustainable products and a healthy room climate in every household.

We are convinced that preservative-free products will be a matter of course in the near future.

Due to innovative development of our research department, all of our products for interior use as well as primers and adhesives are produced o.K.. Optimized formulas, strictly monitored raw materials and a perfect hygiene concept are the foundations of the new technology. Sustainability without compromises: These new biocide-free qualities replace their ‘predecessors’ rather than complementing them, preventing a redundant product range and thus saving valuable resources. Why are we doing this? Because we can. We are not only one of the most progressive, but also one of the most automated paint manufacturers world-wide.


Our production is completely automated and follows the ‘just in time’ principle. Same-day production and staging. The technical centerpiece of JONAS Farben is our computer-based production facility, which records every detail of the manufacturing process. With a maximum of 22 production lines with different formulas, all working parallel and independent, we avoid production surplus.


Automated processes consume energy. Our energy consumption is covered 100% by green power. Natural gas is not utilized within our manufacturing processes. Due to our specialized management of raw materials, we spare storage area and reduce energy consumption. We think about sustainability for the whole supply chain and exclusively work with vendors that stick to their diligent obligations regarding their own supply chains.


To be able to produce our premium paints o.K., we use specialized control mechanisms. Our hygiene team is responsible for an ideal production environment and the systems are constantly monitored. By ambitious, innovative and responsible research, we steadily improve our products and always keep the quality at the highest level.


Paints are temporarily stored in large reservoirs. This saves packaging as well as storage area. Our packaging concept is as sustainable as our production. Wherever possible, we forego the utilization of fresh materials for our containers. Secondary raw materials are our first choice to save limited resources and extend the life cycle of applied materials.

Raw materials

The quality our raw materials is essential to guarantee the premium JONAS quality. Over 90 % of our raw materials are delivered loosely in tank wagons. Just in time-production and -delivery saves packaging and energy. JONAS Farben stands for modern and up-to-date raw material management, functioning eco-friendly without environmental degradation.


Slight colour variations of our recyclate packaging are a detriment we gladly accept for a healthy environment. The second-life plastics are 100% inspected before use. We collaborate with well-known suppliers that inherit the technical requirements for producing recycled packaging. This leads to a high share of recycled plastics in our production process with the target of a complete circulation system.

Global Compact

The UN-Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible management that we joined as a member. We are obligated to orient our work along the ten universal principles regarding human rights, working norms, environment and corruption prevention. 

JONAS Farben GmbH is listed as a company in the official list of all globally active signatories on the website of the UN-Global Compact.


This label stands for sustainability within global supply chains. The independent, international CSR rating agency rewarded our efforts regarding environment, working conditions as well as social responsibility with the silver badge.


We are member of Europe’s largest network for sustainable construction, the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.’ (DGNB) The DGNB certifies construction projects, which are specifically energy efficient and sustainable. Many JONAS products are DGNB certified and listed in the DGNB navigator. The DGNB technical data sheets list extensive details regarding the sustainability of our products.